第109章 FIGure SEttling
作者:冰梨汽水   原神:我给散兵讲童话最新章节     
    码字的时候全程脑补流浪者英配patrick 】
    《 profile 》
    —— 人物资料:
    name 名字:maliketh 玛利喀斯
    birthday 生日:2\/21
    affiliation 所属:fatui 愚人众
    vision 神之眼:cryo 冰
    《 character details 》
    —— 角色详细:
    maliketh was a shadowbound beast given to his empyrean.
    a sad shadow of its former glory.
    《 character story1 》
    —— 角色故事1 :
    arlecchino's sole need of her shadow was a vessel to lock away destined death.
    even then, she betrayed him.
    on fateful night.
    《 character story ?》
    —— 关于『——』 :
    maliketh bound the 『——』 within his own flesh.
    maliketh's 『——』which once harbored the power of the rune of death.
    《 voice-over 》
    —— 部分语音:
    —— 关于「仆人」:
    arlecchino,is this…what it is…to sin?
    or was i tricked…bu thee?
    —— 关于「丑角」:
    was i…myself the fool?
    —— 关于「散兵」:
    will things never be the same…again?
    —— 关于「愚人众」
    death…my sin…should not be touched by the hand of man…
    —— 关于『——』:
    henceforth,mine appetite shall be my sole panion.
    armed with death.
    —— 关于「深渊」:
    i ask that you cease……
    it's not to be meddled with.
    it is chaos,devouring life and thought unending.
    —— 关于玛利喀斯自己·死亡:
    i will……death to the scavengers of death.
    —— 想要了解玛利喀斯·其一:
    orion…that`s my real name.
    —— 想要了解玛利喀斯·其二:
    i like reading, especially fairy tales.
    for children to a book of fairy tales is a world, it is a and reality but much more interesting runs parallel to the place.
    —— 想要了解玛利喀斯·其三:
    there is something i'd like to say.
    my purpose was given to me by my mother.
    but now,i act of my own volition. i have set my heart upon the world that i would have. regardless of my mother's designs.
    但现在,达成使命是出于自我的意愿…已经和母亲的期望无关了。我已经把我的心放在我想要的世界上了—— 是我的心,决定我这么去做的。
    i won't allow anyone to speak ill of that.
    —— 加入队伍·其一:
    i`m with you.
    —— 加入队伍·其二:
    —— 加入队伍·其三:
    what should i do?
    tell me,when you are fully prepared.
    —— 同伴生命值低·其一:
    fret not.
    —— 同伴生命值低·其二:
    everyone,follow me,please.
    —— 同伴生命值低·其三:
    fulfill your roles,and leave the rest to me.
    —— 同伴生命值低·其四:
    fall back…please allow me to defend the rear alone.
    —— 元素战技·其一
    bee my blade,once more.
    —— 元素战技·其二
    i shall grant thee eye and claw.
    —— 元素战技·其三
    let`s put an end to this as soon as possible.
    —— 元素战技·其四
    what a ruckus.
    —— 元素爆发·其一
    thou mayest choose.
    —— 元素爆发·其二
    this will keep you quiet.
    —— 元素爆发·其三
    —— 倒下 1:
    my sin…
    —— 倒下 2:
    —— 倒下 3:
    i have done…all i can…in this land……
    【 部分日常语音掉落 ?】
    —— 初次见面:
    hello,i am maliketh.
    we might be together for some time.
    pleased to meet you.
    —— 打招呼:
    hello again?old friend.
    it's me. maliketh.
    —— 阳光很好:
    ah…i`m sorry,i was lost in thought.
    —— 下雪了:
    ah,it`s snowing…
    —— 早上好:
    good morning.
    have you refreshed your body and mind well?
    —— 中午好:
    what kind of cake do you prefer?
    chocolate,or strawberry?
    —— 晚上好:
    if you`re all done with work,how about joining me for a drink?
    it`s on the strong side,so sip slowly.
    —— 晚安:
    oh,you fell asleep?
    there`s nothing more valuable than these rare moments of peace.
    do you too dream of flying freely through the skies like a bird?
    —— 闲聊 · 偷懒
    hey…wanna hang out here with me for a while?
    the view is pretty nice. but let`s keep it a secret,okay?
    —— 闲聊 · 人偶:
    please continue to lend your aid,till the end.
    —— 有什么想要分享:
    ahh,another matter.
    i bequeath to you this ruby.
    use it traverse great distances.
    ——《 尘歌壶语音 ?》
    this place is like home to me.
    furnished tasterfully,with a peaceful atmosphere.
    may i ask you to assign me to a room where i can see the starry sky?
    emm,now where should i put pillow……